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Is Hypnotherapy Safe?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis as a tool to help individuals achieve their goals, alleviate their symptoms or improve sporting performance. Hypnosis involves inducing a relaxed, trance-like state in which the person becomes highly suggestible and receptive to positive suggestions.

Despite its widespread use, there are varying opinions on whether hypnotherapy is good or bad for you. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of hypnotherapy.

Some Benefits of Hypnotherapy

  1. Reduction of Stress and Anxiety

    Hypnotherapy can help people manage stress and anxiety by inducing a deep state of relaxation. This allows the individual to calm their mind and release tension, leading to a reduction in symptoms related to anxiety, such as racing thoughts and physical tension.

  2. Pain Management

    Hypnotherapy has been shown to help people manage chronic pain. During hypnosis, individuals are guided to focus their attention away from the pain, or suggested mental tools to help reduce pain, helping them to tolerate it more effectively by helping to reduce the intensity of the pain.

  3. Behavioural Change

    Hypnotherapy can be used to address unhealthy behaviours such as smoking, overeating, and substance abuse. Hypnosis can help individuals change their habits and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

  4. Improved Sleep

    Hypnotherapy can be used to treat insomnia by promoting relaxation and encouraging positive sleep habits. Hypnosis can help individuals fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer.

  5. Improving Sporting Performance

    Hypnotherapy can be used to improve sporting performance or calm nerves when competing by guiding individuals, in a trance state, to see themselves performing better or to perform without crippling nerves.

Some Drawbacks of Hypnotherapy

  1. Unrealistic Expectations

    Hypnotherapy is not a miracle cure and cannot solve all problems. Some individuals may have unrealistic expectations of what hypnotherapy can do, leading to disappointment or frustration if their desired outcomes are not achieved.

  2. False Memories

    During hypnosis, individuals may experience false memories or distortions of actual events. While this is rare, it can happen, and it’s essential to work with a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist who understands how to avoid this problem.

  3. Vulnerability to Suggestion

    While hypnosis can be used to promote positive suggestions, it has the potential to plant negative ones. Individuals who are highly suggestible may be vulnerable to negative suggestions and should work with a hypnotherapist they trust or has been recommended.

  4. Cost

    Hypnotherapy can be expensive, and it may not be covered by insurance, this can make it inaccessible for some individuals, however, the NHS may refer a patient to a therapist.


Overall, hypnotherapy can be an effective tool for managing stress, anxiety, pain, improve sports performance and reduce unhealthy behaviours. It can help individuals achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

Hypnotherapy it is not a cure-all and may not be suitable for everyone, it does not come with a guarantee of success for any change-work. It’s essential to have an initial consultation, typically free, with a qualified and experienced hypnotherapist before any change-work takes place.